Let’s embrace “rightsized” homes.

Because we don’t necessarily need more space.
Sometimes we simply need less stuff, and more creativity.

This January, we’re focusing on Rightsizing in Real Time. Join us for examples and tips via our newsletter.


Whitney Leigh Morris is an author and small space expert who is passionate about “rightsized” home design, co-stewardship, multigenerational living, and sustainable interiors and gardens.

A firm believer that you don't need to "live large" to live beautifully, Morris strives to help individuals, couples, and families live comfortably and contentedly in — and with— a smaller footprint. The intention behind her work is to embolden a collective shift away from the “bigger/more is better” mentality that contributes to hyper-consumerism, allowing us clearer access to a greener and more equal path forward.

Morris shares her expertise via a diverse array of news + editorial outlets and speaking engagements, social media, and her book: Small Space Style: Because You Don’t Need to Live Large to Live Beautifully. 

Morris and her family live in the southeastern US and in southern France.